Stamp 1:
The extension of the frame from the recesses at the top is found:
- from the LH recess, left side on stamps 1 (minor) and 30;
- from the RH recess, left side on stamps 4, 4, 10, 21, 32 and 38.
Stamp 2:
The vertical extension of the frame from the recesses at the top is found in two stamps:
- stamp 2
(left recess, RHS);
- stamp 29
(right recess, LHS);
The right corner in the top right recess is not strong.
Stamp 3:
Stamp 4:
The extension of the frame from the recesses at the top is found on:
- stamps 30 and 36:
from the LH recess, left corner;
- stamps 1 (minor), 4, 5, 10, 21, 32 and 38
from the RH recess, left corner;
- stamp 42:
horizontal LH recess, left corner.
Stamp 5:
The extension of the frame from the recesses at the top is found on:
- stamps 30 and 36:
from the LH recess, left corner;
- stamps 1 (minor), 4, 5, 10, 21, 32 and 38
from the RH recess, left corner;
- stamp 42:
horizontal LH recess, left corner.
Stamp 6:
Stamp 7:
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