Australia - Brown years: 1923-1939.
Ordinary rate delivery form: AB-DO-4

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form number E.T. No. 2.
Heading changed to RECEIVED TELEGRAM.
Message area: Blank - occupies nearly half of the form.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Blue on white.
Size of form overall: 128 × 202 mm.
Size of datestamp box: 34 × 36 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:




Adelaide to Woolahra
with CTO Sydney which is ERD
8 December 1926.


  • has two lines of text at the base of the "Remarks" box;
  • Schedule number printed in LLC of form.
  • "Rec ...stop" in heading is 76 mm and the stop is under AL above.

This form has the message typed by the teleprimter on ticker tape which was then pasted onto the form.

AB-DO-4b AB-DO-4B.

Nedlands, WA to Summer Hill, NSW
(15 April 1929).


  • three lines of text in "Remarks" box plus the schedule number;
  • nothing printed at base of form;
  • "Rec ...stop" in heading is 91 mm and the stop is under D above.
  • printed in a light blue which can change to purple depending on storage conditions;
  • "T" of "The first line..." is above FR of "From...".

Hindmarsh to Port Germain
(29 April 1929).

Specific characteristics:

  • heading is in bold letters;
  • "Rec ...stop" in heading is 86 mm and the stop is under SL above.
  • "T" of "The first line..." is above O of "From...".


Goulburn to Leura
(violet PO handstamp of
Katoomba 13 March 1929).

Specific characteristics:

  • Date Stamp box now finishes level with main horizontal line;
  • "Rec ...stop" in heading is 92 mm and the stop is under E above.;
  • "T" of "The first line..." is above F of "From...";
  • first line in REMARKS box finishes with "Act" not TELEGRAPH;
  • schedule number is left justified in 4Da but centered in 4Db.
  Another example of this form addressed to Penfold's Wines in November 1930 can be seen elsewhere.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-4A Sched. C 107 - 6/1926 8 December 1926 at the Chief Telegraph Office, Sydney. C
DO-4B Sch. C. 220 - 1927. - Z9-10. 16 March 1928 at CTO Melbourne. C
DO-4C Sch. C.337. 7/1928. 29 April 1929 at Port Germein, SA. C
DO-4Da Sch. C. 337/1928 - C.9086.- B.2028. 13 March 1929 at Katoomba. C
DO-4Db C.9086.- B.2028. 2 August 1929 at CTO Melbourne. R