Australia - Brown years: 1923-1939.
Ordinary rate delivery envelopes: AB-EO-5

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form number T.G. 65 B included in the first printing.
TELEGRAM centered at top.
Message area: Boxed slogan for ornamental telegram forms in top left corner extending below TELEGRAM.
"FOR QUICK SERVICE ..." at the base.
Reverse side: Two slogans.
Colours (text & envelope): Blue on fawn.
Size of envelope overall: 81 × 138 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

 Delivery envelopes with this format were probably printed in 1934. The first boxed advertisement for EO-5A references BIRTHDAY GREETINGS and CONGRATULATORY MESSAGES for which forms were first issued in mid to late 1934. The advertisement does not, however, reference MOTHERS' DAY forms which were first issued in April 1934. This omission may have been an oversight and soon corrected for EO-5B and EO-5C - given that the earliest recorded date for EO-5B is September 1934. Given the different flap design, it is possible a different printer was used to print EO-5A.


Used at Nhill, Vic on 29 October 1935.


  • has a form number in the top left corner;
  • letters are thick;
  • horizontal bar only in G of TELEGRAM;
  • legs at middle of M of TELEGRAM meet at a low point;
  • boxed advertisement does not include a reference to MOTHERS' DAY and it finishes in last line with

AB-EO-5A rev

AB-EO-5A (reverse).

Reverse side of above delivery envelope.


  • has rectangular flap with straight sides;

Also known with "ADDRESS MAIL ..." slogan replaced with
"BUY STAMP BOOKLETS ... " but all other details on the front and top reverse side the same.



Used at Melbourne 6 September 1934.


  • has no form number;
  • horizontal and vertical bars in G of TELEGRAM;
  • legs at middle of M of TELEGRAM meet at a higher point;
  • boxed advertisement does include a reference to MOTHERS' DAY and 2nd last line finishes with a comma after MESSAGES.


AB-EO-5B rev AB-EO-5B (reverse).

Reverse side of above delivery form.


  • has rectangular flap with heavily curved sides.

Top slogan is the same as for all Type 5 envelopes.

Lower slogan refers to STAMP BOOKLETS. The 2d. stamps being advertised paid the letter rate within Australia and the British Empire from July 1930 until 10 December 1941. Booklets with 2d stamps were available throughout that period.


Used at Maryborough 24 April 1935.
Also has a straight line MARYBOROUGH handstamp.


  • no form number;
  • letters are slightly thinner;
  • horizontal and vertical bars in G of TELEGRAM;
  • legs at middle of M of TELEGRAM meet at a higher point;
  • boxed advertisement does include a reference to MOTHERS' DAY and 2nd last line finishes with

AB-EO-5C rev

AB-EO-5C (reverse).

Reverse side of the above delivery envelope.


  • incorporates a form number in TLC;
  • TELEGRAM in large block letters
    (7.5 mm high and spanning 62 mm);
  • smaller font in TLC advertising box;
  • printing in dark blue;
EO-5C books AB-DO-5C (reverse - lower advertisement).

This format is known printed with a different advertisement on the reverse above the base - BUY STAMP BOOKLETS ...


Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
EO-5A None. 29 October 1935 at Nhill, Vic. NC
EO-5B None. 6 September 1934 at CTO Melbourne. NC
EO-5C None. 24 April 1935 at Maryborough, Vic. NC