Australia - War years: 1939-1957.
Ordinary rate delivery envelopes: AW-EO-1

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form number T.G. 65 (not included in one printing).
TELEGRAM is justified right.
Message area: Boxed advertisement at left with slogan under the box but above the window.
Reverse side: Two slogans - the top slogan always is
Colours (text & envelope): Blue on white.
Size of envelope overall: 78 × 136 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

The main distinctions amongst the formats for these envelopes are:

Format: Broad category Boxed advertisement starts Front slogan starts 2nd reverse slogan starts
12A 1: thin border, rectangular flap, one boxed advert on the reverse. INVEST IN ... SWITCH OFF ... IDLE TALK ...
12B 1: thin border, rectangular flap, one boxed advert on the reverse. INVEST IN ... SAVE ALL ... IDLE TALK ...
12C 2: thick border, curved flap, two boxed adverts on the reverse. INVEST IN ... SWITCH OFF ... IDLE TALK ...
12D 2: thick border, curved flap, two boxed adverts on the reverse. INVEST IN ... SAVE ALL ... IDLE TALK ...
12E 2: thick border, curved flap, two undecorated boxed adverts on the reverse. INVEST IN ... SAVE ALL ... IDLE TALK ...
12F 1: thin border, rectangular flap, no boxed advert on the reverse. BE PROUD TO ... PLAY SAFE ... SEALED LIPS ...
12G 2: thick border, curved flap, two boxed adverts on the reverse.
12H 2: thick border, curved flap, two boxed adverts on the reverse
and no form number.
12I 1: thin border, rectangular flap, one boxed advert on the reverse. SAFEGUARD YOUR FUTURE ... LET'S FINISH ... THE JOB'S NOT DONE ...


AW-EO-12A AW-EO-12A.

Unused window delivery envelope.


  • Format 1;
  • decorations in the corners of all boxes;
  • thin blue border around window;
  • G in TELEGRAM has vertical and horizontal bars;
  • BUY is in italics;
  • OR is in lower case on the last line.
AW-EO-12A rev AW-EO-12A (reverse).

Reverse side of the above window delivery envelope.


  • flap is rectangular;
  • lower slogan for IDLE TALK ... is not boxed.
AB-EO-12B AW-EO-12B.

Unused window delivery envelope.


  • Format 1;
  • decorations in the corners of all boxes;
  • thin blue border around window;
  • G in TELEGRAM has vertical and horizontal bars;
  • BUY is in italics;
  • OR is in lower case on the last line.
AW-EO-12B rev AW-EO-12B (reverse).

Reverse side of the above window delivery envelope.


  • flap is rectangular;
  • lower slogan for IDLE TALK ... is not boxed.


AW-EO-12C AB-EO-12C.

Unused window delivery envelope


  • Format 2;
  • decorations in the corners of all boxes;
  • thick blue border around window;
  • G in TELEGRAM has vertical and horizontal bars;
  • the advertising box has four lines. BUY is in normal font. Last line begins 5/-;


AW-EO-12C rev AB-EO-12C (reverse).


  • flap has a rounded peak with curved sides;
  • both slogans are boxed;
AB-EO-12D AW-EO-12D.

Used at P.O. Elizabeth Street Melbourne on
7 May 1943.


  • Format 2;
  • decorations in the corners of all boxes;
  • thick blue border around window;
  • G in TELEGRAM has vertical and horizontal bars;
  • the advertising box has four lines. BUY is in normal font. Last line begins 5/-.
AW-EO-12D rev AW-EO-12D (reverse).

Reverse side of the above window delivery envelope.


  • flap has a rounded peak with curved sides;
  • both slogans unboxed;


AB-EO-12E AW-EO-12E.

Used at P.O. Elizabeth Street Melbourne on
7 May 1943.


  • Format 2;
  • no decorations in the corners of any boxes;
  • thick blue border around window;
  • G in TELEGRAM has only a vertical bar;
  • the advertising box has four lines. BUY is in normal font. Last line begins 5/-;
  • has the printer's name NATIONAL behind the window.
AW-EO-12E rev AW-EO-12E (reverse).

Reverse side of the above window delivery envelope.


  • flap has a rounded peak with curved sides;
  • both slogans unboxed;


AB-EO-12F AW-EO-12F.

Used at P.O. Elizabeth Street Melbourne on
7 May 1943.


  • Format 1;
  • no decorations in the corners of any box;
  • thin blue border around window;
  • G in TELEGRAM has vertical and horizontal bars;
  • the top line in the advertising box has "Be proud to ..";
AW-EO-12F rev AW-EO-12F (reverse).

Reverse side of the above window delivery envelope.


  • rectangular flap with curved sides;
  • both slogans are unboxed;


AW-EO-12G AW-EO-12G.

Used for a telegram to RAAF Base (A.F.P.O.) Shepparton, Vic from Adelaide
13 August 1942.


  • Format 2;
  • decorations in the corners of all boxes;
  • thick blue border around window;
  • G in TELEGRAM has vertical and horizontal bars;
  • the top line of the advertising box has "BE PROUD TO SAVE FOR".


AW-EO-12G rev AW-EO-12G (reverse).

Reverse side of the above window delivery envelope.

  • flap has a rounded peak with curved sides;
  • both advertisements are boxed.
AB-EO-12H AB-EO-12H.

Delivery envelope used at P.O. Elizabeth Street, Melbourne on 5 January 1944.


  • Format 2;
  • decorations in the corners of all boxes;
  • thick blue border around window;
  • G in TELEGRAM has vertical and horizontal bars;
  • the top line of the advertising box has "BE PROUD TO SAVE FOR".
AB-EO-12H rev AB-EO-12H (reverse).


  • flap has a curved peak and curved sides;
  • lower slogan for SEALED LIPS is in thick letters within a thin outlined box having decorations in each corner.
AW-EO-12I AW-EO-12I.

Unused window delivery envelope.


  • Format 1;
  • NO decorations in the corners of any box;
  • thin blue border around window;
  • G in TELEGRAM has vertical and horizontal bars;
  • the top line of the advertising box has "SAFEGUARD YOUR FUTURE".
  • slogan above the window is


AW-EO-12I rev AW-EO-12I (reverse).

Reverse side of the above window delivery envelope.


  • rectangular flap with curved sides;
  • top slogan is boxed in thin lines with decorations in each corner;
  • lower slogan is printed in thick letters but is not boxed.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
EO-12A None. Used on 9 August 1946 at Albany
(with RO2-TO date stamp).
EO-12B None.   C
EO-12C None.   C
EO-12D None.   C
EO-12E None.   C
EO-12F None. 7 May 1943 at P.O. Elizabeth Street Melbourne. R
EO-12G None. 13 August 1942 at A.F.P.O. Shepparton, Vic. NC
EO-12H None. 5 January 1944 at P.O. Elizabeth Street Melbourne. NC
EO-12I None.   NC