Australia - War years: 1939-1957.
Ordinary rate delivery envelopes: AW-EO-14

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form number T.G. 65B.
TELEGRAM is centered at the top of the envelope (sans-serif letters).
Message area: One standard slogan
(except for EO-14G).
Reverse side: Two standard slogans.
Colours (text & envelope): Very dark blue on drab brown.
Size of envelope overall: 78 × 135 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:


The printing of Australian delivery envelope type EO-14 took place from 1946 (exact detail not known). The major change which occurred at this time was the replacement of the war-related slogans with three "ordinary life" slogans related to Reply-Paid Telegrams and addressing/posting postal items and telegrams. These slogans were standard for the 10 years in which this type of envelope was printed.

At first, supplies of envelopes were restricted as is demonstrated by the following note in the January 1947 Post Office Monthly Circular:

"14. Supplies of Telegram Envelopes: - The position regarding the supply of telegram envelopes is still presenting many difficulties and in view of the present conditions in the paper and printing industries, it is essential that the utmost economy be exercised in the use of telegram envelopes.

Postmasters and other officers concerned are therefore asked to give this matter special attention, with a view to reducing wastage in telegram envelopes to a minimum" (G.B. 46/3981).

The main distinctions amongst the formats used for these envelopes are:

Format: Slogan on the front Bars in G of
Flap on reverse
(large size)
A REPLY-PAID TELEGRAM ... Short vertical and horizontal Small rounded peak,
straight sides
14B A REPLY-PAID TELEGRAM ... Long horizontal
curved underneath
straight sides
14C A REPLY-PAID TELEGRAM ... Long horizontal
curved underneath
curved sides
14D A REPLY-PAID TELEGRAM ... Short vertical
curved underneath
Rounded, curved sides
14E A REPLY-PAID TELEGRAM ... Short vertical and horizontal Pointed and
straight sides
14F A REPLY-PAID TELEGRAM ... Long horizontal
curved underneath
Large, rounded,
curved sides
14G None Short vertical and horizontal Large, rounded,
curved sides
(white paper)
None Short vertical and horizontal

curved sides


AW-EO-14A AW-EO-14A.

Unused opaque ordinary rate delivery envelope.


  • larger format than standard
    (89 × 146 mm);
  • slogan begins A REPLY-PAID TELEGRAM ...

This unusually large envelope is related in some way to the earlier window delivery envelope AW-EO-13.

AW-EO-14A_rev AW-EO-14A (reverse).

Reverse side of the above opaque delivery envelope.


  • slightly rounded flap with straight sides;
  • 1st line in the top slogan begins INCLUDE STREET NUMBER ... and ends with OF;
  • lower slogan is ADDRESS ALL MAIL ....
AW-EO-14B AW-EO-14B.

Opaque delivery envelope.
Used at Elizabeth Street PBR, 2 Melbourne
25 July 1948.


  • standard size;
  • G has a long horizontal bar;
  • M has straight legs;
  • first line of slogan A REPLY-PAID ... is in wide letters and it spans 87 mm.
AW-EO-14Ba AW-EO-14B (reverse).

Reverse side of above opaque delivery envelope.


  • rectangular flap with straight sides;
  • 1st line in the top slogan begins INCLUDE STREET NUMBER ... and ends with OF;
  • lower slogan is ADDRESS ALL MAIL ....
AW-EO-14C AW-EO-14C.

Used opaque delivery envelope.


  • usual smaller size;
  • G of TELEGRAM has a large horizontal bar;
  • has very small letters for the form number;
  • first line of slogan A REPLY-PAID ... spans 71 mm.
14C rev AW-EO-14C (reverse).

Reverse side of the above opaque delivery envelope.

P.O. Elizabeth St.
2 Melbourne
31 December 1947.


  • the flap has a wide rounded top and curved sides;
  • 1st line in the top slogan begins INCLUDE STREET NUMBER ... and ends with OF;
  • lower slogan is changed to PLEASE POST ....

Is known used with LRD of 19 May 1979 at Wavell Heights, Qld (showing how stock could be pushed to the back when new stock arrived).

AW-EO-14D AW-EO-14D.

Opaque delivery envelope.
Used at Middle Ridge, Qld
7 September 1949.


  • G of TELEGRAM has no horizontal bar but a short vertical above the curve;
  • M has straight legs;
  • first line of slogan A REPLY-PAID ... spans 80 mm.

A slightly later date on an envelope with this format was used to deliver AW-DO-10 (47).

AW-EO-14Bc_rev AW-EO-14D (reverse).

Reverse side of the above delivery envelope.


  • flap has a narrow rounded top and curved sides;
  • 1st line in the top slogan begins INCLUDE STREET NUMBER ... and ends with ADDRESS;
  • lower slogan is ADDRESS ALL MAIL ....
AW-EO-14E AW-EO-14E.

Unused delivery envelope.


  • G has a short horizontal bar;
  • M has straight legs.
AW-EO-15Bd AW-EO-14E (reverse).

Reverse side of the above delivery envelope.


  • pointed flap and straight sides;
  • 1st line in the top slogan begins INCLUDE STREET NUMBER ... and ends with OF;
  • lower slogan is ADDRESS ALL MAIL ....
AW-DO-14F AW-DO-14Fa.

Used at Allansford, Vic. on 23 January 1951.


  • G of TELEGRAM has a large horizontal bar;
  • has normal sized letters for the form number;
  • first line of the slogan A REPLY-PAID ... spans 76 mm.


Unused delivery envelope.


  • very small font for the form number;
AW-DO-14F rev AW-EO-14F (reverse).

Reverse side of the above delivery envelopes - both identical.


  • a rounded, narrow peak on the flap with straight sides;
  • 1st line in the top slogan begins INCLUDE STREET NUMBER ... and ends with OF;
  • lower slogan begins PLEASE POST ...
AW-EO-14G AW-EO-14G.

Unused opaque ordinary rate delivery envelope.


  • no slogan on the front;
  • TELEGRAM is in thick letters;
  • G has a short horizontal bar;
  • M has splayed legs.
AW-EO-14G rev
Printed in March 1957.
AW-EO-14G (reverse).

Reverse side of the above opaque ordinary rate delivery envelope.


  • top slogan is reworded and replaces STREET NUMBER with TELEPHONE NUMBER but still begins TO EXPEDITE DELIVERY ...;
  • lower slogan begins PLEASE POST ...
  • the flap has a rounded peak with curved sides;
  • has a schedule number in the lower left corner.

Opaque ordinary rate delivery envelope.
Used in Canberra.


  • standard size;
  • same format as previous AW-EO-14G but printed on white paper;
  • no slogan on front;
  • TELEGRAM is in thick letters;
  • G has a short horizontal bar;
  • M has splayed legs.
AW-EO-14H rev AW-EO-14H (reverse).

Reverse side of the above opaque ordinary rate delivery envelope.


  • top slogan is reworded and replaces STREET NUMBER with TELEPHONE NUMBER but still begins TO EXPEDITE DELIVERY ...;
  • has rectangular flap with heavily curved sides;
  • has schedule number in lower left corner;
  • lower slogan is PLEASE POST ...


Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
EO-14A None.   RR
EO-14B None. 31 December 1947 at P.O. Elizabeth St. PBR, 2 Melbourne. C
EO-14C None. 6 May 1947 at Adelaide. C
EO-14D None. 7 September 1949 at Middle Ridge, Qld. C
EO-14E None. 1 November 1969 at Mywee, Vic. C
EO-14F Sch. C.T.B. 1443 - 3/57 26 May 1960 Relief 24 in Queensland. NC
  Sch. C.T.B. - 1521 - 3/58   NC
  Sch. C. 8583 - 4/61   NC
EO-14G SCH. C.T.B. 2183 - 6   NC