Australia - Establishment period: 1917-1923.
Ordinary rate delivery form AE-DO-2

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form number E.T. No. 2.
Heading is TELEGRAM.
Message area: Blank.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Blue on white.
Size of form overall: 125 × 200 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

Adelaide to Homebush.
23 July 1924.


  • TELEGRAM in heading is thin sans serif font 6 mm high.
  • no schedule number;
  • the words in the heading "This" and "NOTE:" are both in alignment but "Station.." is indented.


Delivery envelope for the above ordinary rate delivery form to Homebush.

Probably printed in early 1921.

Clare to Henley Beach.
20 November 1921.


  • TELEGRAM in heading is thick serif font 5 mm high.
  • no schedule number;
  • the words in the heading "This", "NOTE:" and "Station.." are all in alignment;
  • the underlining of the top heading extends from L to A of TELEGRAM below.


Port Adelaide to Semaphore.
30 September 1922.


  • TELEGRAM is in a different serif font and the legs of M slope out;
  • no schedule number;
  • the words in the heading "This" and "NOTE:" are nearly aligned but "Station.." is outdented;
  • the underlining of the top heading extends from L to R of TELEGRAM and from I to S of the top heading).
DO-2Ca AE-DO-2C.

Chillingollah to Bendigo.
23 May 1922.


  • has a two line schedule number spanning the division line but it does not contain the printing date;
  • none of the three words noted previously align;
  • TELEGRAM heading is dark blue, 5 mm high but in a different serif font than 2Aa (see arms on T and top of M);
  • "NOTE" line is bold.
Printed in July 1926 - very late compared to the others of this format.
Rough edge at base indicates that the form is possibly from a roll used in a teleprinter.

Rialto, Vic to Sydney.
CTO 12 November 1928.


  • heading is in thin serif font 6 mm high.
  • has a schedule number which incorporates the month and year of printing and it is above the line;
  • only two lines of text under the heading TELEGRAM.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-2A None. 23 December 1922 at NewTown, Tasmania. C
DO-2Ba None. 20 November 1921 at Henley Beach, SA. C
DO-2Bb None. 30 September 1922 at Semaphore, SA. C
DO-2C C.77. B. 1131. 23 May 1922 at T.O. Bendigo, Vic. C
DO-2D Sch. C. 112. 7/1926. 12 November 1928 at C.T.O. Sydney. NC