Sending Telegraphic Money Orders - the payment.

When a recipient produced their telegram which notified them of a Money Order being available, the Money Order Office would match that telegram with their notification and pay the funds - with appropriate receipts.

Two very rare examples of such receipts are shown below.

Receipt for a Telegraphic Money Order sent from Kalgoorlie to Melbourne.
17 December 1948.

The form has a printed
"Issued at Kalgoorlie".

MO Receipt

Money Order for $280 sent for Kerry Sukroo from Mount Magnet, W.A. to Clarence Street, Sydney.

The telegram to the Clarence St Post Office is shown together with the receipt for the payment of the funds.

The Order had been initiated on 11 September 1981 and it was paid on 15 September.

The reference to SPEEDIMO in the message indicates the request was sent urgently - but by then there were no special Urgent Rate forms or labels.

The recipient had to sign as acknowledgement of having received the funds.