Australia - Brown years: 1923-1939.
Press transmission form: AB-TP-3.

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form number T.G. 45.
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA above PRESS TELEGRAM in large capital serif font.
Message area: 22 lines.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Black on cream.
Size of form overall: 333 × 209 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:
AB-TP-3 AB-TP-3.

Unused transmission form.


  • almost the same format as for the previous transmission form
    (AB-TP-2) issued three years previously;
  • previous reference to "To" in Office Use box (top right) change to "C'ct No." to emphasise the circuit used.
AB-TP-3 rev

As noted in other places, the telegram reflects many aspects of social life at the time - aspects which are sometimes happy and joyous and at other time very sad and emotional.

Telegram forms were often used to record such moments unofficially because for some people, they did not have an alternative on which to record ideas or to make notes.


The above Press form was used probably in 1932 or 1933 by a woman who was desperate to escape her present life style. Her notes are included here out of great sympathy for her situation as well as to demonstrate one of the unofficial uses of telegram forms.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
TP-3 Sch. C 425 --6/1929. Unknown used. RR