Australia - War and recovery: 1940 - 1957.
Ordinary rate delivery form: AW-DO-10 (46).

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: 1946 printing: Form number T.G. 42
and T.G. 42B. Standard heading.
Message area: Blank.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Blue on cream.
Size of form overall: A: 102 × 186 mm.
B: 115 × 197 mm - see note below.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

 Both A forms and one of the B forms printed in 1946 have the same schedule number.

Printed in July 1946.
AW-DO-10Aa (46).

Woollahra to Rockdale, NSW.
RO3-TO datestamp of 10 May 1947.


  • "No." is indented 6 mm to the right from T/C/B;
  • the right hand box starts above "g" of lodgement, etc.
Printed in July 1946.
AW-DO-10Ab (46).

Telegram sent by Prime Minister Chifley;
Canberra to Bothwell, Tas (15 October 1947).


  • "No." is indented 2 mm to the right from T/C/B;
  • right hand box starts above "d" of lodgement, etc.


Printed in July 1946.
AW-DO-10Ba (46).

Sydney to Hobart.
CTO Hobart of 10 March 1947.

Characteristics of B format:

  • has schedule number C.5025;
  • date below is left justified;
  • this B form is the usual 197 mm wide.
AW-DO-10B (46)
Printed in July 1946.
AW-DO-10Ba (46) another example.

Victoria Market, Vic to Richmond E1.
12 February 1948.

Characteristics of B format:

  • has schedule number C.5025;
  • date below is left justified;
  • shows the heading for the following form because it was badly torn from the teleprinter but that provides clear evidence that these forms were 11.5 cm high.

Addressed to Bill Johnston on the occasion of his selection into the Australian Cricket team which would later be called The Invincibles.


This form has been printed as TG 42B although it is 215 mm wide. Normal TG 42B forms are 195 mm wide.
It is therefore probable that it is the first (unrecorded) TG 42BB form to be printed but that the old B reference has been used. If so, the form has been
printed with the incorrect form number. Certainly the sequence of schedule numbers would support this observation - C. 5025 and C. 5351 were both B formats while C. 5403 is the first recognised number for a BB form. C. 5074 is not elsewhere recorded.

Armadale to Subiaco
15 January 1948.
Also known used on 13 May 1947 at Subiaco.


  • has a different schedule number (C. 5074) although the same printing date.
  • the schedule number is centered (as usual and not left justified).

  • This image shows the poor tearing off from the printer for this roll of forms.
A third example of this form but used at Lutwyche in Queensland.

Townsville to Lutwyche
10 February 1948.


  • has a different schedule number (C. 5074) although the same printing date.
  • the schedule number is centered (as usual and not left justified).


Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
10Aa (46) Sch. C5025 6/1946 Robinvale 1947 RR
  Sch. C5025 7/1946. 17 June 1947 at Coolamon. C
10Ab (46) Sch. C5025 7/1946. 15 October 1947 at Bothwell, Tas. C
10Ba (46) Sch. C. 5025. 7/1946. 10 March 1947 at CTO Hobart. NC
10Bb (46) Sch. C. 5074 7/1946. 10 February 1948 at Lutwyche. R

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