Australia - War and recovery: 1939-1957.
Ordinary rate delivery form: AW-DO-10 (47).

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: 1947 printing. Form number T.G. 42.
Standard heading above TELEGRAM.
Message area: Blank - area occupies nearly 80% of form.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Blue on cream.
Size of form overall: 101 × 195 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:
DO-10Aa 47Printed in June 1947. AW-DO-10A (47).

Nelson to CTO Melbourne, Vic. (20 May 1949).


Standard format;

  • text in box at top left has five lines and is left justified;
  • "/" between the month and the year for the date.


Printed in June 1947.

Ilkeston P.O. UK by Cable to Footscray (23 March 1949).


  • form number T.G. 42B;
  • schedule number aligned left;
  • five lines of text (left justified) in the top left box;
  • "No." aligned with T/C/B (as usual for this format).
Printed in July 1947.
AW-DO-10BB (47).

Sefton to Lithgow
(9 June 1948).


  • Form number T.G.42BB;
  • very different schedule number from other 1947 forms;
  • has portion of the next form at the base allowing an estimate that these forms were 102 mm apart on the roll.
10C July 1948
Printed in August 1947.
AW-DO-10C (47).

St Peter, SA to Cooranbong, NSW
24 July 1948.

Has rubber POST OFFICE date stamp.


  • text in box at top left has six lines and first line finishes with "re-";
  • TELEGRAM is only 34 mm wide;
  • the first word "The" in the top right box is indented.

AW-DO-10D 47
Printed in June 1947.
AW-DO-10D (47).

Stones Corner, Qld to Miles, Qld (25 February 1949).


  • no schedule number. Must be 1947 printing because it has the same varietal characteristics as DO-10A (47);
  • text in box at top left has six lines and first line finishes with "re-".

Few of these forms have been seen and they are all used in Queensland.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-10Aa (47) Sch. C. 5351 6/1947. 14 January 1949 at Geelong West. C
DO-10B (47) Sch. C. 5351 6/1947. 23 March 1949 at Footscray, Victoria. C
DO-10BB (47) Sch. C. 5403 7/1947. 9 June 1948 at Lithgow, NSW. C
DO-10C (47) Sch. C. 5351 8/1947. 24 July 1948 at Cooranbong, NSW. C
DO-10D (47) None. 25 February 1949 at Miles, Qld. R

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