New South Wales - Colonial period: 1858-1900.
Ordinary rate delivery form: NC-DO-7

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Heading has three lines starting "ISSUED../NEW.../COLONIAL...".
Message area: Boxes numbered to 40 in 8 rows on both left and right sides of the form.
Reverse side: Boxes numbered 45 to 110 in 14 rows on both left and right sides.
Colours (text & form): Red on blue paper.
Size of form overall: 231 × 215 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

The general format instituted here became the standard for all following NSW delivery forms.

CN_DO_7A NC-DO-7Aa and 7Ab.

Manilla to Tamworth
(19 December 1879).

One of the earliest uses of a NSW date stamp on a telegram.

Characteristics of DO-7A:

  • there is no text at the base of the main box "TELEGRAM from..." on the front;
  • has 13 regulations on reverse side (see below).

Another example of NC-DO-7A was used to provide a detailed account of one of the Kelly incidents.

NC-DO-7Aa_rev NC-DO-7A (reverse side).


  • boxes numbered 45 to 110 on both left and right sides;
  • 13 regulations at the base of the reverse side.


7Aa stores
NC-DO-7Aa - reverse side, top left corner:
St. 637 on the front but no stores number above (Line) 45 on the reverse side.
7Ab stores
NC-DO-7Ab - reverse side, top left corner:
Stores number St 637 above (Line) 45.
The distinguishing characteristic between DO-7Aa and DO-7Ab is the absence or presence of the Stores number on the reverse side.
NC-DO-7B NC-DO-7B (a, b, c and d).
Melbourne via the inter-colonial line to Sydney
(31 July 1880) on DO-7Bb.

This a telegraphic message for Mr. Jennings who was in charge of activities of the Melbourne Exhibition held 1 October 1880 to 30 April 1881 in the Carlton Garden.

Scarce Sydney date stamp on a telegram. This form is DO-7Bb.

Characteristics of DO-7B:

  • has additional text at the base of the "TELEGRAM FROM ..." box which starts "(You are requested to give no fee...)";
  • 13 regulations at the base on the reverse side (same as for
NC-DO-7Ba - reverse side, top left corner:
No stores number above (Line) 45.

NC-DO-7Bb and DO-7Bc - reverse side, top left corner:

NC-DO-7Bb has Stores number 627 above (Line) 45.
NC-DO-7Bc has
Stores number 637 above (Line) 45.

NC-DO-7Bd - reverse side, top left corner:
Stores number St. 2147 above (line) 45.

Parramatta (Hospital for the Insane) to Mudgee (then posted to a nearby property)
(21 August 1885).



  • has additional text at the base of the "TELEGRAM FROM ..." box which starts "(You are requested to give no fee...)";
  • has 13 regulations on reverse side as well as an added regulation for SPECIAL DELIVERY (see below);
  • has Stores Number St. 637 left justified above the line on the front and St. 937 in the top left box and immediately below line (45) on the reverse side.
NC-DO-7Ab_rev NC-DO-7C (reverse side).


  • 13 regulations on the reverse side plus a note on SPECIAL DELIVERY.

Delivery envelope for telegram above from Parramatta.

Very rare franking on such a cover.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-7Aa St. 637 on the front only. 25 January 1879 at Windsor. R
DO-7Ab St. 637 on the front and reverse side. 5 April 1882 at Windsor. RR
DO-7Ba 637 on the front and no stores number on the reverse. 10 May 1884 at Windsor. R
DO-7Bb 637 on the front and St. 627 on the reverse. 31 July 1880 at Sydney. R
DO-7Bc t. 637 on the front and St. 637 on the reverse. 13 May 1882 at Windsor. R
DO-7Bd St. 637 on the front and St. 2147 on the reverse. 4 August 1884 at Windsor. R
DO-7C St. 637 on the front and St. 937 on the reverse. 21 August 1885 at Mudgee. R