New South Wales - Colonial period: 1858-1900.
Ordinary rate delivery form: NC-DO-8.

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: No form number.
Message area: Boxes are numbered to 40 on both left and right sides.
Reverse side: Boxes are numbered from 45 to 110 on both left and right sides.
Colours (text & form): Red on yellow.
Size of form overall: 230 × 185 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

Sydney to Windsor
15 June 1886.


  • the distance from ISSUED to the line ending the heading section is 38 mm;
  • stock number above line at left is St. 637;
  • Regulations on the reverse side are numbered 1 to 13 followed by a SPECIAL DELIVERY note.


rev 8A NC-DO-8Aa (reverse).

Details of the reverse side of the above form.


  • boxes numbered to 110 on both left and right;
  • Stock Number below the line in the top left is St. 637;
  • 13 Regulations and a note on SPECIAL DELIVERY.



NC-DO-8Ab - detail.


  • Stores number changed to t. 627.
  • has rare RO7-ETO oval date stamp of 6 May 1887.

Sydney to Windsor
(1 October 1888).


  • the distance from ISSUED to the line ending the heading section is 36 mm;
  • Stores number St. 637 on the front and the reverse;
  • Regulations on the reverse side have been revised and reduced in number to 12 (see below).
NC-DO-8Ba_rev Detail of the reverse side of
NC-DO-8B above.

Shows revision of Regulations and reduction in their number to 12 by combining the previous Numbers 2 and 3 concerning prepayment of charges.


Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-8Aa Stores number St. 637 front and reverse. 15 June 1886 at Windsor. RR
DO-8Ab Stores number St. 627 front and reverse. 6 May 1887 at ETO Sydney. RR
DO-8B Stores number St. 637 front and reverse. 1 October 1888 at Windsor. RR