Queensland - Colonial period: 1861-1900.
Ordinary rate delivery form: QC-DO-8

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: No form number.
ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH, QUEENSLAND in gothic font below Crest.
Message area: 10 rows of 5 boxes numbered to "50" on the left side.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Black on cream.
Size of form overall: 170 × 221 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

QC-DO-8 - message from Maryborough to Nanango. 18 July 1906.

Has a rare use of the Nanango Electric Telegraph Office Oval date stamp (BO3 - ETO format 5.)

For characteristics and comment see form below.

DO8 QC-DO-8.

Kingsthorpe to Toowoomba
(T.O. Toowoomba of
29 August 1906).


  • printed on white paper;
  • size is slightly more horizontal than for the other two forms.

This form is still classified as a Colonial form because there is no reference to the Commonwealth as for Interim or Australian forms.

QC-EO-5 QC-EO-5.

Envelope for delivery of above telegram. Fully tied.

One of the few recorded examples of a tied set.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-8 None 29 August 1906 at Toowoomba. RR