Tasmania - Victoria-Tasmania Cable: 1859-1900.
Transmission form: TC-TC-2.

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: No form number.
Message area: Blank.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Dark blue on light blue paper.
Size of form overall: 170 × 213 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

Note: the classification as Form 2 is simply to allow a pre-1861 form to be identified - although there has not been a reference to such a form.

It may be that both this format for the transmission form and that for the delivery form shown elsewhere were printed soon after the re-opening of the cable in 1869.

TC-TC-2: Transmission form used as an ordinary Tasmanian transmission form (23 August 1871).
The Charges in the lower left corner showed that Robert James (the sender at Green Ponds) wished the receiver (Mr. Jas ?? at Brighton) to pay the 1/2 for the 12 word telegram (1/- for the first 10 words then 1d per word).

CT_TC_2 TC-TC-2.

Transmission form used as an ordinary Tasmanian transmission form (29 August 1871).

The rate written in the lower left corner is the correct rate for "between Tasmanian stations" - 2/1 for 23 words.