Tasmania - Colonial period: 1857-1900.
Ordinary rate delivery form: TC-DO-4.

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: No form number.
Heading is ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH with crest.
Message area: 6 lines.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Black on cream.
Size of form overall: 171 × 210 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:
Hobart to Launceston
22 May 1882.


  • "No." appears in both top corners;
  • has information about receiving station in top right column.


Hobart to Launceston.
28 Sepember 1894.

For details of this rare date stamp see Launceston TO.

But wait - there is more. Rawlinson was the Private Secretary to Jenico Preston, the 14th Vicount Gormanston. It was his picture the Mechanics Institute wanted to hang.



Buckland to Spring Bay.
26 November 1886.


  • "No." in only in top right corner;
  • has information about receiving station in top right column.

Interesting details about a funeral!!

Launceston to Hobart
12 November 1891.


  • "No." appears in both top corners;
  • information about receiving station has been removed from the top right section.

Rare rubber rectangular date stamp for Hobart.


A rare printing error.

Error TC-DO-4A or 4B.

The form has been miscut so the top part of the form is missing the "NO." - once (for 4A) or twice (for 4B).

In addition, the word TELEGRAPH is missing the last two letters "PH".


Sent from George's Bay (by that time St. Helens) to Hobart.

Has a scarce Hobart rubber oval TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp in violet of 15 November 1889.
Earliest recorded use for this date stamp and earliest recorded use of a date stamp on a telegraph form in Tasmania.


Only recorded example of this error.


Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-4A None 22 May 1882 at Launceston. NC
DO-4B None 26 November 1886 at Spring Bay. NC
DO-4C None 12 November 1891 at Hobart. RRR