Tasmania - Colonial period: 1857-1900.
Ordinary rate delivery form: TC-DO-Exchange

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: No Form Number.
HOBART above the Crest and TELEPHONE EXCHANGE surrounding the Crest.
Message area: 6 lines.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Black on cream.
Size of form overall: 172 × 216 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:
Provenance: Clemente, Johnstone.
2 February 1892.
  • similar format to TC-DO-4B for top third (From details removed);
  • heading changed as indicated above;

Only known example of a form from the Telephone Exchange.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-Exchange None 2 February 1892. RRRR