Victoria - Colonial: 1854-1900.
Delivery envelope: VC-EO-1.

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: TELEGRAPHIC MESSAGE at top spanning crest.
Message area: Blank with sender details in lower left corner.
Reverse side: Embossed seal on flap.
Colours (text & envelope): Black on blue.
Size of envelope overall: 84 × 128 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:
VC-DE-1 VC-EO-1.

For delivery at Queen Street on 31 January 1856.

Earliest recorded delivery envelope in Australia's telegraphic history.

Only known example of this format.

  • printed on very thick blue paper;
  • shows Office address.
  • has colourless embossed Belt and Buckle seal on flap (see scan below).

Telegram form and delivery envelope is VC-DO-1.

Provenance: Hugh Freeman.

Prestige Auctions April 2011 Lot 804.

VC-DE-1_rev VC-EO-1 reverse side showing embossed colourless seal and pointed flap with straight sides.
VC-DE-1_seal VC-EO-1:
Detail of embossed seal on flap.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
EO-1 None 31 January 1856 at GPO Melbourne.. RRRR