New South Wales: Interim period: 1900-1917.
Delivery form: NI-DO-6.

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form number E.T. No. 1.
Standard Interim period heading.
Message area: 7 very faint lines.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Dull blue on cream.
Size of form overall: 170 × 214 mm.
Size of datestamp box: 38 × 38 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:



Brisbane to Oxford Street NSW
24 July 1909.


  • first printing (one arc);
  • two vertical lines of text at left "Note: - the figures at the bottom ...";
  • very small font under TELEGRAM for "This message ...";
  • 7 faint lines for message.



Rockhampton to Sydney
(Telegraph Branch
5 April 1911).


  • first printing (one arc);
  • one vertical line of text at left "Note: - the figures at the bottom ...";
  • larger font (2 mm) under TELEGRAM for "This message ...";
  • 7 faint lines for message.


Has very large DELAYED BY INTERRUPTION TO LINE hand stamp in violet.

Telegram has words in code which have been interpreted.


Brisbane to Oxford Street NSW
(24 July 1909).


  • first printing;
  • one vertical lines of text at left "Note: - the figures at the bottom ...";
  • larger font under TELEGRAM for "This message ...";
  • no printed lines for message.

St. Arnaud, Vic to Yass.
5 August 1915.


  • second printing (two arcs after schedule number and above WALES);
  • one line of vertical text at left;
  • 8 lines for message.

There is no difference in format between this form and that below. Here the form has been slightly over-inked during printing. The seven lines in the message area are so heavy that the dots join and can be only seen as dots for a few mm in parts.

NI-DO-6Bb NI-DO-6D (same form as above).

Dubbo to Obley.
20 November 1918.

NOTE: Not a different format but a different printing day or location.

The message area has seven lines of dots which are quite distinct.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-6A St 3481 24 July 1909 at Oxford Street, NSW. NC
DO-6B St. 3481 9 March 1911 at Bondi, NSW. C
DO-6C St. 3481 24 July 1909 at Oxford Street, NSW. NC
DO-6D St. 3481 5 August 1915 at Yass, NSW NC