Western Australia - Interim period: 1901-1917.
Urgent rate delivery form: WI-DU-3.

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form number E.T. 45 in one of the top corners.
Standard Interim period heading.
Has URGENT TELEGRAM in 5 mm sans-serif letters for heading.
Office date stamp is part of the heading section.
Message area: Blank.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Blue on pink.
Size of form overall: 163 × 210 mm.
Size of datestamp box: 30 × 35 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:

Melbourne to Perth.
Date removed but probably
5 August 1914 (time sent was 12:45 pm and time received was 11:08 am).


  • single line of vertical text in a small format at left - finishes before the line under the heading - see further details below.

Telegram sent by Prime Minister Joseph Cook announcing the commencement of war with Germany.


Bridgetown to Busselton.
22 October 1914.

Has a scarce RO4-P&TO for Busselton.


  • has *12 in top left corner;
  • has Form Number E.T. No. 45 in top right corner;
  • single line of vertical text in a small format for
    "NOTE: .." on left side. Finishes 12 mm below dividing line at base of heading area.
  • message area is unlined;
Mt. Magnet to Cue
RO4-TO date stamp of
23 May 1916.


  • single line of text at left finishes just below the PMG heading;
  • Has Form number E.T. 45 in TLC;
  • has STORES INDEX 45 in TRC;
  • message area is blank.
Perth Rail to Narrogin
RO2-TO date stamp of
29 October 1917.


  • single line of text at left finishes just below the PMG heading;
  • Has Form number E.T. 45 in TLC;
  • has Schedule number h3779/14 12* in TRC;
  • message area is blank.

Phoenix Auctions December 2013, Lot 1583.


Geraldton to Perth.
Perth/W.A. date stamp of
18 August 1916.


  • two lines of text at left almost completely moved to the heading area;
  • message area is blank;
  • schedule number
    "i9247/16 *12" is at the top next to the Stores Index number.

Bunbury to Narrogin.
18 August 1916.


Same as for previous form
but see details of the datestamp elsewhere;

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DU-3A *12. At least by 14 October 1914. RRR
DU-3B Stores Index 45. 31 August 1916 at Boulder, WA. RRR
DU-3C 19247/16 *12 18 August 1916. RRR