Australia - International - Brown years: 1922-1939.
Cablegram transmission form: IAB-TC-2

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form number E.T. No. 7.
Heading is CABLEGRAM with
Message area: 9 ruled lines..
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Black on cream.
Size of form overall: 215 × 206 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:
 This form was the second of only two transmission forms printed after 1917 with the heading CABLEGRAM.
One other form had the heading "CABLEGRAM and RADIOGRAM" (IAB-TC-3) before the adoption of INTERNATIONAL TELEGRAM.

The Post Office Monthly Circular of January 1928 announced:


Approval has been given for the amendment of the transmission cable forms used by the Eastern Extension Company to include the name, address and telephone number of the Company. This only applies to the acceptance of cablegrams from the public when lodged on forms issued by the Company. The Departmental Form E.T. No. 7 is the only cable form to be retained at the Post Office for the use of the public.


Copy of a form used at Kew
8 April 1927.


  • has PACIFIC CABLE reference in heading.


NOTE: IAB-TC-2Ba form is almost the same format except for slight placement difference in the DECLARATION section and for the Schedule number. For example :Please forward ..." is left justified in the NSW printing and "NOTE: .." under "Address ..." is shifted left by 9 mm.

TC-2B delivery Alice listened to her father!!!

The English Post Office Telegraphs delivery form dated 9 April 1927 used to record the above message.


Unsurprisingly - the only recorded pair of forms.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
IAB-TC-2Ba NSW Stores Stock No. 441. None recorded used. RRR
IAB-TC-2Bb B898/2.22. - C.1919 - 15M. None recorded used. RRR
  B. 898/6.23. - C??548. - 50m. 8 April 1927 at Kew. RRR
  C. 107 - 6/1936 None recorded used. RRRR.