New South Wales - International - Colonial.
Delivery form: INC-DO-2.

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: No Form number.
Has NSW Post and Telegraph heading.
Message area: 35 boxes in seven rows.
Reverse side: 75 boxes in 15 rows.
Colours (text & form): Black on pink.
Size of form overall: 223 × 190 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:


Thaba-Nchu Station, South Africa to Germanton, NSW.
5 July 1905.


  • has stock number St 816 at left in heading and St 627 on reverse above top line;
  • similar deign to normal delivery forms of same period.


INC-DO-2 rev INC-DO-2A reverse side.
Source: NSW State Records.

Wellington to Sudney.
Postal & Tel(egraph) Dep(artment) date stamp of
12 July 1900.


  • sub-heading changed to NEW ZEALAND LINE from INTERNATIONAL LINE;
  • printed in black on yellow paper;
  • size 220 × 185 mm.

This example shows the form used to record a copy of an important historic message from the Premier of New Zealand to Sir William Lyne, Premier of New South Wales. The Post Office had typed the copy and attached it to the form.

Form considered to exist but an example has never been seen.



  • sub-heading changed to NEW CALEDONIA LINE from INTERNATIONAL LINE;
  • printed in black on yellow paper;
  • size 220 × 185 mm.


Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
DO-2A None 6 July 1905 at Germanton, NSW. RRR
DO-2B None 12 July 1900 at Postal & Tel. Dept, Sydney. RRR
DO-2C None   RRR