The following list contains Telegraph Offices opened in the general Sydney CBD (variously defined over the years).
Most of these Telegraph Offices
have long since been forgotten.
Some Telegraph Offices in the CBD were connected to the Central Telegraph Office by pneumatic tubes. The extent of the connections is unfortunately now unclear but some details are provided elsewhere.
The following stations were included on the South-West lines. Some Offices listed were also on the other lines but are also included here when there was an overlap between lines.
Australia Hotel.
The Telegraph Office was opened in the 4th quarter 1891 and it was closed on 15 July 1916. More photographs and details especially relating to the role of this Telegraph Office in the creation of AWA's Coastal Radio network are elsewhere.
Luggage label for the Australia Hotel. Diameter: 139 mm. |
Australia Hotel. 28 March 1912. On 1/- Kangaroo from the 1888 Centennial Issue. Very rare - only recorded example of this date stamp. Phoenix Auction May 2014 Lot 210. |
Castlereagh Street.
Opened as a Post & Telegraph Office on 1 September 1899. On 6 January 1964, the office was removed to Pitt Street and changed name to Sydney South. |
The Sydney Morning Herald of 16 August 1876 reported "An influentially signed petition has been presented to the Postmaster-General in favour of the establishment of a branch Post and Telegraph office at the Haymarket. The petitioners represent that, in their opinion, a very large and remunerative business would be done at the proposed new office. The Postmaster-General has promised to give the matter his early attention". In December 1876, a contract was given to Messrs. Smith and Bennett for fittings, etc required at the branch Post and Telegraph Office at the Haymarket, George Street. |
In the Legislative Assembly of 15 April 1868, Dr. Lang spoke about several aspects of "encroachment at Flagstaff Hill". The Secretary of Lands had stated that he was not aware of any fresh encroachment. Dr Lang then received a letter "from a gentleman, who resided in Prince Street, assuring him that there was a serious encroachment in progress and requesting him to go up and see for himself whether such was not theirs. He did go up and found that there was a stone building in course of erection inside what had been the boundary of the Flagstaff reserve for some time past. On enquiry he learned that the building was intended for the residence of the telegram messenger at the Flagstaff, which was scarcely a purpose for which an important encroachment should be made upon a reserve made fifty years ago for the recreation of the people. Those reserves were always held intact and, in former times, all efforts to encroach upon them had been strenuously resisted. There was a considerable encroachment on the reserve when the Observatory was erected, but, as that was an object of importance to the whole colony, it was allowed to pass. But he did not consider that the erection of a cottage for the messenger of the telegraph was on object of sufficient importance to authorise the misappropriation of a piece of ground set apart for the public from the earliest period of the history of the colony. He did not think that it ought to be allowed. Governor Bligh held that when one Governor had dedicated a piece of ground to the use of the public, that dedication could not be annulled by another. He thought that this allotment was of peculiar value to the citizens of Sydney and he thought that it was very exceptional indeed on the part of those concerned to make this encroachment. He trusted that, if it was not too late, the order for the erection of this building would be countermanded and that as much of the ground as still remained would be held sacred to the public. ... Some four years ago an encroachment was made on this reserve at the instance of the Government Astronomer. Until trustees should be appointed, it was likely that those encroachments would be attempted, for the Government appeared to be in utter ignorance with respect to those encroachments. We all knew that another piece of land dedicated to the public, and vested in the hands of trustees, was now to be taken from them. The Flagstaff reserve was a piece of land unequalled in all Sydney. It was the highest point and commanded magnificent views eastward, westward and southward. He hoped that the Secretary for Lands would at once put a stop to this erection of a house for a messenger... He trusted that the Government, having had their attention strongly directed to this matter, would not only prohibit the erection of the building now in progress, but also sweep away the whole of the cottages that adjoined the boundary wall of the Public Schools allotment. There ought to be no inferior buildings erected there. The ground should be left for the purposes to which it was originally dedicated". |
The Telegraph Office was opened on the change of name from South Head Road on 15 December 1873. On 2 May 1960, the name was changed again to Crown Street. Hopson & Tobin do not list the rare rubber rectangular (RRR) TELEGRAPH OFFICE date stamp. |
Telegraph Office Oxford Street. 16 October 1952. RR1 - TO. Used on AW-DO-10B (51) - ERD. Size: ?? |
Oxford St. Used 1939 to 1958. Diameter: 30 mm. Used on AW-DO-10B (51). |
Park Street.
A Post & Telegraph Office opened as Park Street on 20 May 1878 and was removed to Queen Victoria Markets on 1 September 1899. Further details of the Park Street Post & Telegraph Office are provide elsewhere. Tenders were called for repairs and improvements in March 1883. |
Park Street Post Office date stamp on 22 August 1899 - just over one week before the office was closed. | |
On 13 February 1889, the following letter to the Editor was published in the Sydney Morning Herald: Sir, - I notice tenders have been called for a Post and Telegraph office, Park Street or vicinity of that street. Now, Sir, I hope the next building the Post and Telegraph takes or rents will have proper accommodation for the public. The present office, although it is in the heart of the city, is nothing better than a dog kennel, there is not sufficient room to turn round in; if one goes in to write a telegram or write out a slip for a money order, one has to wait till the other is done. This should not be in a city office. Again, there are no telegraph desks to write telegrams on, everything is done on the counter This is simply disgraceful. I would strongly suggest that, before fitting the new offices up in the vicinity of Park Street, someone from the postal department visit the Post and Telegraph Office, William Street, and take a note of the conveniences at this office for the public. Nothing seems to have been omitted in the way of accommodation. I don't think I have ever been in a more complete, in every detail, office than William Street, then why not make Park Street, which is a city office, as near equal to William Street as possible? For Heaven's sake! Give the public room and proper necessaries to transact business. I am, &c, A CITIZEN. |
A Post Office was opened at Pyrmont on 1 April 1853. It changed name to Harris Street on 27 November 1882. A Telegraph Office was opened about 1 km closer to the G.P.O. on 22 September 1882 and it became a Post & Telegraph Office when the other office change name on 27 November 1882. |
H&T Type 1D (i). Used on 9d Commonwealth issue |
RC1 -T.
Queen Victoria Markets.
A Post & Telegraph Office had been opened as Park Street on 20 May 1878. The combined office was removed to and changed its name to Queen Victoria Markets on 1 September 1899. Later, on 1 May 1918, the office changed name again to Queen Victoria Buildings. |
No special date stamp for telegraph use was issued to this office. |
Queen Victoria Markets.
Usual Post Office date stamp used about six weeks after the office had moved from Park Street. |
18 October 1899 |
Early date stamps had N.S.W at the base (without then later with a full stop after the W).
6 March 1939. |
Later date stamps with nylon wheels and a short date line had N.S.W AUST at the base.
26 January 1977. Used on AT-TO-14B. |
The office opened as a Telephone/Telegraph Office on 6 August 1906. There is no record of a closing date.
The date stamps issued were:
Railway Station/Sydney. 13 October 1912. |
1954 to 1970 was SYDNEY RAIL. |
Sydney Rail/ NSW Aust. 10 November 1966. |
On 30 August 1870, an International Exhibition was opened at the Prince Alfred Park. A special building was erected there and a temporary Post Office, an Electric Telegraph Office and "a room for gentlemen of the Press" were attached to the Secretary's Office. A "line of electric telegraph" was also connected to the Head Office in Sydney. The 16th Annual Report on the Post Office Department notes that, for the year 1870, 183 messages were transmitted from the Exhibition Building to various parts of the Colony returning a revenue of £25 1s 8d. No telegram is known as being "From: Exhibition Building". Newspapers carried the following announcement: BRANCH POST OFFICE AND TELEGRAPH It is hereby notified that Branch Post and Telegraph Offices will be opened at Prince Alfred Park, near the Exhibition Building on the 30th instant. The hours of attendance will be daily (Sunday excepted) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., until further notice. Correspondence addressed to the Exhibition Post Office will be delivered on application at the window, where postage stamps and information as to postage and telegraph rates can be obtained. The letter-box will be cleared at 6:15 a.m., at noon and at 3 p.m. daily (Sunday excepted). |