It was recognised quite early that postage stamps could be one means by which receipting of payments could be made more efficient. In the Legislative Council of 3 July 1878,
"Sir T. Campbell asked the Colonial Secretary whether in the case of persons unable personally to despatch a telegram at a Telegraph Office, is it competent for them to pay the cost of the telegram by affixing postage stamps to the form.
The Colonial Secretary replied that it was not competent".
In 1879, the use of the official Telegraph stamps for Western Australia was authorised as a means to pay telegraph charges. That use was however short-lived.
In 1893, another announcement was forthcomig:
"Postage stamps may be used in lieu of receipt stamps, up to the value of a shilling, as proposed in the Legislative Assembly and agreed by the Government.
This useful provision was inserted, last evening, in the Post and Telegraph Bill and, as soon as the bill passes through all stages, the change will come into operation".
The Inquirer 4 August 1893.
The Bill did not, it seems, get passed through all stages as the procedure was not introduced until after Federation.
The inefficiencies of only using cash were highlighted in the 1896 Caldwell Report to the Minister of Posts and Telegraphs:
The Daily News (Perth 2 May 1896).
I was astonished to find that there is no systematic check to prevent fraud in connection with the collection of telegraph revenue in West Australia. I do not suppose it to be possible that speculation to any extent has taken place without the fact coming to light.
In Victoria all checks were dispensed with on the introduction of the system of payment for telegrams in stamps. The result was that the department lost several hundreds of pounds in a few months through embezzlements on a small scale and the culprits were not discovered. These frauds led to the re-introduction of a system of checking which is now in operation in Victoria.
This system is equally applicable whether the charges on the telegrams transmitted be paid for in cash or be paid for by stamps.
I would strongly recommend the adoption of the Victorian system of checking. This colony will be able at any time to introduce the system of payment by stamps instead of by cash without any alteration being necessary in the check system which is proposed.
The Victorian system is as follows: — All officers enter the telegrams transmitted on a form which shows the address of the message, the station to which despatched, the number of words and amount paid. Entries are made on another form of the particulars of messages received from other stations. These forms are forwarded to the head office daily along with the originals of the messages transmitted.
No books to record the particulars of telegrams transmitted or received are kept at Victorian offices. Such records are found to be unnecessary. The consequent saving in expenditure is considerable. At the head office a staff consisting of a male officer, assisted by a number of females, is employed in checking the statements of telegrams transmitted by the statements of telegrams received. It is not considered necessary to check every day's business. Three or four days a month a check is made, the days selected being varied month by month.
Payment by stamps is no protection against fraud. Even supposing the stamps to be affixed to a telegram by the person who hands it in for transmission, a dishonest post-office official could tear off the stamps, transmit the message, and then destroy it. In this colony, if a postmaster transmitted a telegram on which the charge was 2s and entered it in his returns as 1s., nothing except an improbably accidental occurrence would reveal his dishonesty. In Victoria, the telegraph check staff is attached to the accounts branch".
Caldwell's recommendations were not acted upon until after Federation, when the 1901 Post and Telegraph Act legislated the use of postage stamps to pre-pay telegraph charges. An example of the acceptance of the payment method is reflected on the Telegram Transmission forms issued early after Federation.
Any combination of Western Australian postage stamps could of course be used to pay the Australian telegram rates. Postage stamps of relevant denominations (6d and 9d plus 1/- and above) on issue after 1900 which could be used to pay the basic charges are:
The way in which postage stamps were used for telegrams did not however meet everyone's approval. For example:
The Public and Telegraph Offices - Letter to the Editor.
The West Australian 17 December 1902.
Sir, The method of collecting payment for telegrams is absolutely intolerable, it is surprising that it has been allowed to continue so long. You hand in your telegram, and the officer returns it to you with a stamp, or, perhaps, two or three stamps. The office window is almost invariably draughty - I am not speaking of the Perth office alone - and away goes telegram and stamps too. A short-sighted individual, like myself, is at a great disadvantage under such circumstances. When I stamped my telegram to-day, the officer complained that the stamp was not properly affixed. There were a number of people waiting and I naturally hurried over the process and perhaps performed it defectively. I think the corner was tucked up somehow. But, why, in the name of all that is reasonable, should not the gentleman who receives the message affix the stamp? Again, why is there not a sufficient supply of pens in the office for public use? It is a positive scandal to hear the daily complaints one does.
Yours, etc., BUSINESS MAN.
Fremantle, November 28.