Stamps were made available to collectors at a reduced price. They were Cancelled to Order (CTO) with a date stamp having:

  • Melbourne at the top;
  • a two line date in the centre;
  • no inscription at the base.

The first line of the date has two-letters for the month followed by two digits for the day. In only one instance (22 May 1900) does the day preceed the month.
The second line records the year in two digits.

About 11 dates with CTO cancellations are recorded:

  • on the First Day of Issue - Oct. 22 /97. This a scarce date samp with only 4 examples of each denomination recorded to date.
  • a Melbourne datestamp of Nov. 16 /97. A much more common date with more than 10 examples recorded.
  • a Melbourne datestamp of 9 June 1903 - 6 years after issue and after Federation. At least two sets of singles with this date are affixed to paper backing although this has no importance or relevance given the late dates.
  • The popularity of this issue with collectors resulted in very few of these CTO stamps being prepared. Multiples are rare and only have one of two dates (see below). There is no record of how many CTO examples were prepared but across both denominations, there are probably less than 30 singles or multiples presently known.

    The 1d has:

    • one strip of four;
    • two strips of three - one marginal;
    • three horizontal pairs;
    • about 15 singles.

    The 2½d has:

    • one marginal strip of three;
    • two pairs - one being vertical;
    • about 15 singles.

    CTO date and
    estimated number

    Examples of images
    22 October 1897 -
    First Day of issue.

    Two of each of the 1d (1/-) and of the 2½d (2/6) denomination are recorded. One of the 2½d stamps is MNH with full gum.

    Stamp is MNH with full gum.
    22 October 1897.

    One pair with a FDI date stamp is recorded.

    Image by courtesy of Ken Pearson.
    28 October 1897.

    One cancellation recorded on a 2½d (2/6).

    Image by courtesy of Ken Pearson.
    16 November 1897. 


    • one strip of four;
    • strips of three of each denomination;
    • pairs of each denomination.

    CTO strip of four - largest recorded CTO multiple.
    Rod Perry September 1993;
    Millennium Auctions June 2011 Lot 492.
    16 November 1897.

    Marginal strips of 3 with CTO cancellation of Melbourne 16 November 1897.

    Millennium Auctions October 2002, lot 273.

    16 November 1897.

    Millennium Auctions
    June 2011 Lot 491.

    NOTE: the cancellation on the LH 1d. stamp goes through the top of the O of ONE.  

    16 November 1897.

    NOTE: the cancellation on the LH stamp  goes below the O of ONE.

    Image by courtesy of Ken Pearson.
    16 November 1897.

    The vertical pair.

    Image by courtesy of Ken Pearson.
    22 May 1900.

    One cancellation recorded on a 1d (1/-).

    The usual order of month then day is reversed only for this date. 

    Image by courtesy of Ken Pearson.
    22 October 1901.

    (4 year anniversary of issue).

    One cover recorded. It has a single of each denomination and is purely philatelic as the address is too general for delivery.

    Other dates recorded for single stamps are summarised in the following table
    which draws heavily on the research and documentation by Ken Pearson from Victoria:

    Date Recorded for:
    2 June 1902 Single 2½d (2/6).
    7 April 1903 Single 2½d (2/6).
    9 June 1903 Singles of each denomination on piece.
    (Status Auctions October 2011 Lot 1735; February 2012, Lot 1670)
    15 June 1903 Single 2½d (2/6).
    10 August 1903 Singles of each denomination.
    21 December 1903 Single 2½d (2/6).
    27 September 1904 Single 1d (1/-).
    13 December 1904 Singles of each denomination.
    15 June 1905 Single 1d (1/-).
    25 June 1905 Single 1d (1/-).
    24 August 1905 Singles of each denomination.
    10 October 1905 Single 1d (1/-).