Stamp 8:


Note: in the lower left corner, the two broken lines extend to the lower frame in contrast to the separation between the similar lines for Stamp 15 in Row 3.



Stamp 9:



Stamp 10:

The extension of the frame from the recesses at the top is found on:

  • stamps 30 and 36:
    from the LH recess, left corner;
  • stamps 1 (minor), 4, 5, 10, 21, 32 and 38
    from the RH recess, left corner;
  • stamps 9 and 42:

The drop ear ring in stamps 9 and 10 are more like pearls on many sheets.


Stamp 11:



Stamp 12:



Stamp 13:



Stamp 14:

Stamp 14 (2/7) 6 vertical lines at right above last A of victoria different heights. Also faint arc above them.